Creating And Protecting Your Legacy

Elder Law Attorneys In Jacksonville

At The Coleman Law Firm, PLLC, our experienced elder law attorneys bring more to our practice than just knowledge and experience; they have decades of practical, hands-on experience with the aging population in Jacksonville. Our attorneys understand exactly the kinds of problems you and your loved ones face and are familiar with the system you need to navigate. We have the tools to support you through your elder law issues.

We handle all aspects of elder law for our clients, including:

  • Long-term care planning
  • Medicaid planning (“spend down”)
  • Qualification for VA and veteran’s benefits
  • Qualified income trusts
  • Special needs trusts

If you need the assistance of a Florida elder law attorney, please call (904) 688-3324 or email us to schedule your initial consultation. We are a participating attorney in the AARP Legal Services Network.