Creating And Protecting Your Legacy

How a spendthrift trust can augment your estate plan

On Behalf of | Aug 13, 2024 | Estate Planning |

When it comes to estate planning, you may be worried about how your beneficiaries will use the wealth you pass on to them. This could especially be the case if they are bad with money or suffer from addiction, which could affect their spending habits.

A spendthrift trust offers a potential solution to these concerns. This powerful estate planning tool can help safeguard your assets and provide for your loved ones in a controlled manner.

What is a spendthrift trust?

A spendthrift trust is a special type of trust that aims to protect the assets you leave to your beneficiaries. It works by:

  • Giving a trustee control over the trust’s assets
  • Limiting the access of beneficiaries to wealth
  • Protecting the assets from the beneficiary’s creditors

This tool can be useful if you are concerned about a beneficiary’s spending habits or potential legal troubles. By setting up a spendthrift trust, you can ensure that your loved ones use your hard-earned assets as you intend them to.

The benefits of a spendthrift trust

Creating a spendthrift trust can offer several advantages to both you and your beneficiaries. Some potential benefits include:

  • Shielding assets from creditors
  • Preventing beneficiaries from squandering their inheritance
  • Providing long-term financial support for your loved ones
  • Maintaining control over how and when funds are distributed

Implementing a spendthrift trust may give you peace of mind, knowing that your assets can be under the watchful eye of a trustor and that your beneficiaries could securely receive your assets according to your wishes.

A spendthrift trust could be one of the most versatile tools in your estate planning toolkit. It offers protection for your assets and may preserve your legacy for future generations. Consider discussing this option with your family to determine if it is the right choice for your estate plan.