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What are disadvantages of accepting Medicaid?

On Behalf of | Feb 23, 2022 | Elder Law and Medicaid Planning |

Rather than wait until you need Medicaid, you want to have a plan for structuring your benefits that helps you maximize them. To have a well-thought-out plan, it makes sense to understand the ups and downs of the federal and state program. explains the disadvantages of accepting Medicaid. Understand what you have to lose and gain from your benefits.

Physician shortages

Depending on where you live in Florida, physicians in your area who accept Medicaid may become overwhelmed with treating qualifying patients. If that happens, you may travel over 100 miles to receive medical care. Even if you find a doctor nearby, a stressed care system could mean a lengthy wait to receive care.

No guaranteed timing for payments

You never know when the government may delay Medicaid provider payments. Sometimes, the program delays payments by a year for services rendered. Some medical providers depend on Medicaid payments to earn a living, and they may not receive compensation for a long time if the program delays payments.

Unfair funding appropriation

States do not always allocate Medicaid funding fairly among wealthy and underserved communities. That means some patients may experience discrimination because they use Medicaid. Even if a facility still accepts Medicaid patients, the doctor could change the level of provided care for them.

Refused procedures after services rendered

If Medicaid classifies a service you received as unnecessary or experimental, it may not cover it. If that happens, it could mean the patient does not receive medical care a health care practitioner deems necessary.

Medicaid helps you meet your health care needs, but you meet those needs easier when you understand the program’s limits. Arm yourself with knowledge, so you do a better job of taking care of yourself.